When the food is presented for tasting and evaluation the three major components plays a vital role


Texture, color and flavour

Let me describe the factors in brief


Cooked Food to be precise has different textures. They can be described by the following terms- such as crisp, crunchy, hard, tender, creamy etc.

These can be felt with touch; feel on the tongue and the bite of the teeth.

A complete description of food texture can only be achieved using sensory methods


Colour is the most important aspect of food since it is the Color that is often the first element being noticed in the appearance of a food product. … If the color of a food product does not match the expectations, it may be perceived to be inferior/ or taste and have a different flavor.


Flavour a term which is a combination of both taste and smell

Five basic tastes – sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory) are the universally recognized ones, although some cultures also include pungency.
The number of food smells is unbounded; a food’s flavour, therefore, can be easily altered by changing its smell while keeping its taste similar.
Thus, the flavor of food is quite complex in itself as often the same food is perceived differently by different individuals. This difference is due to cultural and biological difference between people

Therefore I recommend the technique

Smell it

Our sense of smell plays a major role

Deconstruct it

Break the food and by tasting each component that creates the dish you can taste the individual flavorus are and how the combined taste works for you.

This should include the taste of the foundation ingredient of the dish in question, the mixture of herbs and spices, the method of cooking involved and the final garnish of it.

This can be described as the same rice having the function of being the foundation ingredient in different dishes like steamed rice, Braised rice, Fried rice, Biryani or Risotto tasting differently due to the different methods of cooking and the mixture of spices, condiments, herbs and other flavorings being used.

A hint or dash of sesame oil, a generous use of olive oil or use of kewra water in case of Biryani highly brings about a drastic change in the final taste and dining experience of the person.
It is also worth noting that a taste or flavour is also liked because of the upbringing / geographical factors or even religion of a person. For instance the liking of a Durian fruit in the south Asia which could not be liked by others and the flavor of Mustard oil being outright being rejected in the southern part of India and the likes of the taste of coconut oil being not acceptable in the northern states of India.

Leverage non-tongue taste

Experience the flavors as they work throughout your mouth. Something that might taste good at the start may not be the same as it works its way to the back of your throat .the changes could be more pungent at various points or loss of flavour  or something started sweet may turn sour. This is technically termed as an ‘after taste’.
Even smoky flavor is more an after taste than the primary one since it’s the olfactory senses that detects rather than the tongue itself. However knowing the right temperature to serve dishes such as hot, cold and room temperature also plays a crucial role in food presentation
